Harrison rules out plastics reduction target

These announcements came from environment minister Trudy Harrison in response to a series of parliamentary questions. Labour’s Beth Winter asked if there would be a specific target set for the reduction of the use of single-use plastic by 50% by 2025.

Harrison replied: “We have no plans to set a target for the reduction in single use plastic. “We want to set an Environment Act 2021 target in the area of resource efficiency and waste reduction that ensures a holistic view to waste and reduces waste overall. 

“We believe that setting a wider reaching target that encompasses plastics as well as other materials will achieve the best environmental outcome as it will prevent switching to other materials which could have a greater environmental impact.” 

She said that public concern over plastic waste would be met by introducing the deposit return scheme for drinks containers and extended producer responsibility for plastic packaging. 

Ministers will also publish a Government response to the consultation on further restricting the number of single-use plastics placed on the market, though Harrison did not say when. Labour MP Kevan Jones asked Harrison whether the Government was on track to eliminate waste crime by 2043.

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